Social Media Resumes

Be careful of what you share on social media as it could come back to haunt you (in more than one way). As it relates to employment, most prospective employers have the ability to "check out" your social media profile. 

As a seasoned HR Professional, it's disappointing to see some of the foolishness posted. Based on this, I totally understand why your application/resume call back rate is slim to none. The next time you apply for a position and are notified that "a more suitable candidate has been identified", ask yourself if your social media status could've played a role in that decision. 

Organizations will not jeopardize their reputation and will do whatever is necessary to avoid embarrassment. Keep it professional. 

If you don't respect yourself, you shouldn't expect others to respect you either. 

#socialmediadrama #professionalism #image #credibility #selflove #selfesteem #selfrespect