Ban the Box

I'm often asked whether candidates with a criminal background eligible for hire. I'm pleased to inform you the answer is, YES!

There is an initiative called Ban the Box which advocates for ex-offenders. Ban the Box is aimed at persuading employers to remove from their hiring applications the check box that asks if applicants have a criminal record. Its purpose is to enable ex-offenders to display their qualifications in the hiring process before being asked about their criminal records. It is only after an interview has been conducted or a provisional offer has been extended that an employer can inquire about a criminal history.

This initiative was implemented as a mechanism to mitigate discriminatory bias against individuals with a criminal background.

As you can imagine, it's extremely difficult for people to reintegrate themselves into society after getting released from prison. That's especially true if they're unable to find jobs that will allow them to support themselves and/or their families without the need to resort to criminal activity. 

Although there has been a great deal of controversy on this topic, I am of the strong belief that everyone deserves a second chance. 

If you're interested in learning more about this topic, feel free to contact us. #banthebox #equality #fairchancehiring #secondchances #stopdiscrimintation